Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Teaching arithmatic

Teaching numbers is the first step. Young children find it easier to estimate 'more' or 'less' first before they understand the meaning of quantity related to numbers. Diverse learners may find visual image helps to remember better than just listening. When teaching numbers from 0-10, using dots is effective. For example:

1 .
2 ..
3 ...
4 ....
5 .....
6 .....
7 .....
8 .....
9 .....
10 .....
The dots can also be arranged onto the number, otherwise, it can also arrange the orientation of the dots vertically. However, it is advisable that the children are exposed to various orientation of the dots so that they will eventually know, thet meaning of quantity in relation to the symbols.

The children will then 'subitize' the dots for the related numbers. 'Subitizing' means naming the numbers by visual image. When a child sees one dot, the child will say it is 1. It goes the same when a child sees two dots, the child will say it is 2.

If the children can play with the numbers this way, they will eventually know how to relate quantity with thte symbols. They will get the meaning of numbers.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Communicate with your child

I use 'diverse' instead of 'special' because the later brings much meaning in education for diverse children. Special children is commonly refers to children with different ability in learning from the so call normal group of children. However, among the 'specilal' needs, there is a wide spectrum of difference from one individual to another. That's why, using 'diverse' is much precise.
Teaching diverse learners, it is important that the teacher has to start communicating with the child before any subject matter being brought to the child.
How to communicate with children with learning disabilities like autism, ADHD, hiperactive and down syndrome? Back to the very ordinary method - talking to them. Taliking to them like talking to any other children. When we want them to behave, we can tell them in a pleasant way : " We are going to the supermarket, can you behave and not running away...". And make sure that they listen. Bring the face to us, look into their eyes, lower the pitch and keep the command short and clear.
Always prepare the child before any event as much as possible. Slowly as we can get controll of the child, then we can start teaching.